Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Why I Support Mike Huckabee

I have known Mike Huckabee for more than ten years. I first met him in 1997. The following May, I joined his first campaign for governor. From my up close and personal observations, I can tell you that he would make an excellent president because he is an excellent person.

Bar none, of all the candidates for high political office that I have met in my 33 years, he is the only one who seems more concerned about other people than he does himself. I first observed this in June 1998. My wife and I were celebrating our first wedding anniversary, and we both were campaigning at a parade in Mena, Ark. As the Governor and Mrs. Huckabee (who insisted upon being called "Janet") drove by, they shouted "Happy Anniversary" to us.

I know this is not much, but it really impressed me. You see, we had just moved to Arkansas barely three weeks before. I was truly the new kid on the block. I had not told the Governor about our anniversary; unbeknownst to me, a friend had. So I was not expecting any greeting from the Governor and the First Lady. Still, out of the blue, they shouted this to us in public for all to hear.

Another time during the campaign, we attended a festival in Magnolia, Ark. A friend from Mississippi tagged along. This particular girl had been in our wedding, and she was thinking about going to seminary. With crowds of people all around--with people who could have either voted for him or donated to his campaign--the Governor spent a solid five or ten minutes talking just to this girl--a girl who could not vote for him--about her plans to go into ministry.

Although these two incidents are admittedly anecdotal, I don't think that they are outliers, by any means! Mike Huckabee is truly the type of guy who would carry on an in depth conversation with you, caring about what you have to say. Unlike most politicians who are more concerned about talking to people, he truly loves to listen.

About 1,900 years before Dale Carnegie was born, Jesus Christ showed people how to win friends and influence people. He once said, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me." From my own observation, Mike Huckabee uses this same approach to leadership.

The Governor understands people. He truly cares about them. Mike Huckabee cares less about what people can do for him and more about what he can do for them. And when you listen to the man, you will see this is exactly where he comes from. It's this sincerely concern for his flock, if you will, that draws people to listen to his message.

It's been said that people don't care how much you know, but they know how much you care.

And this is exactly why Mike Huckabee is now leading in the polls. People know that his candidacy is for real because they now realize that he is real.

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