Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Enthusiasm Explained

Pollster Scott Rasmussen has said numerous times that he can find plenty of reasons why every candidate for the Republican nomination should lose, but that there are very few reasons why any candidate might win.

The fact is that every candidate in this race has characteristics that are repugnant to the typical Republican voter. Giuliani is for abortion. Romney is inconsistent. (I could list other candidates, but frankly I tired.) As such, enthusiasm for our field of Republican candidates is very thin to say the least.

Still, there is some enthusiasm. For instance, in my previous posting, I described why I support Huckabee. As mentioned, my reasons are as much personal as they are policy-related. The purpose of this posting, however, is to analyze why others are supporting Huckabee.

Essentially, Gov. Huckabee appeals to the average man or woman.

When we look at him, we see a reflection of who we are. We identify with his struggles. We identify with his working class background. We identify with his sincerity and compassion for other people. By rooting for him, we are in effect rooting for ourselves.

Perhaps this is why his numbers are continuing to rise even when the attacks are the strongest.

By and large the American people want to believe the best about Huckabee because we know he believes the best about us.

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