Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Huckabee Beats Hillary By Widest Margin

Someone recently commented on another site that a vote for Huckabee is a vote for Giuliani. This made me think about why people who are otherwise inclined to support Huckabee are supporting someone more "viable."

Republicans--especially social conservatives--are concerned about losing the White House to social liberals like Hillary and Rudy. Of course, with all other things being equal, they would prefer Rudy over Hillary, but all in all, they don't like either one of them. In fact they are scared of both of them. So they consider the electability card, and right now, depending upon who you speak with, they think that Romney is the most viable social conservative running for the Republican nomination. Naturally, they fear that by voting for Huckabee (and therefore not Romney), Giuliani--or even worse, Hillary--might benefit from the divided social conservative vote.

What these people don't realize is that (a) Romney is not a social conservative, and (b) as the article demonstrates, Huckabee is a very good shot of beating Hillary---even better than the rest of the crowd as the linked article demonstrates.

So in the final analysis, social conservatives need to follow their heart and support Huckabee instead of acting out of fear and voting for anyone else.

read more digg story

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